you are (here) now, 2017
Vintage x-ray lightbox, LED light, backlit film, cable
14 x 45 x 36 cm
Finalist in the 65th Blake Prize, Australia, 2018 - catalogue

Not knowing what your future is going to be – doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Each of our ‘nows’ influence a future momentarily beyond our grasp. If we stand back and reflect on our ‘nows’ in sequence, time starts to flow. But the present self is timeless – and always now. This work considers the present moment through the direct, non-intellectual spiritual experience which may represent one’s fundamental view of themselves – and of existence.

Front window install at the Launch LA Gallery, Tarfest 2020, Los Angeles

Group show ‘Word’ at Shockboxx Project, Hermosa Beach, California, 2020

All images, text and artwork © Donna Gough 2024