LAUNCH presents

(every thing, always, every where, now)

Exhibition dates
March 9 - 30, 2024

170 S. La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Thur + Fri   12 - 4pm
Sat   12 - 5pm

LAUNCH LA is proud to present Australian artist Donna Gough in her first solo exhibition in Los Angeles. The exhibition features a new artwork series YOU ARE that began during a 3-month residency program at the Institut für Alles Mögliche in Berlin, 2023.

With this series of visualized geometric structures, Gough explores connections between the language of geometry and ideas of our very existence, with broad conceptual themes of ‘our place in space’ or ‘we are what surrounds us’.

While referencing visual aspects of formal geometry and the philosophy of Synergetics (Buckminster Fuller’s theory of geometry as the ‘language of the universe’ and whole system behaviors), these works deconstruct traditional, formal geometric structures and reconstruct them to create a new visual language (or reality).

There is a sense of 3-Dimensionality or spatial depth to the works, with the view morphing and changing depending on your location, or perspective as the viewer. While conceptually considering an individual’s contribution to the dynamic or vibrational energy that continuously binds or separates humans from one another, as each one of us contributes our individual energy to the collective whole.

Gough’s art practice links elements from drawing, painting and light – into a practice that unearths and visualizes connections between people and their environment.  Her conceptual framework explores the real and the referential in an ongoing inquiry into concepts of the ‘unknown’ and the illusion of time (ourselves) flowing continuously from past to present and into the future.

Her MFA studies at the University of NSW Art & Design in Sydney, Australia encouraged a fusion of traditional art school subjects such as drawing and painting – with current day technology such as 3D printing and spatial computing (AR). These images began as digital sculptures, intended to be realized as an installation of 3D printed resin. While exploring material and fabrication options around this, she decided to bring the images on to a surface, with the view to exhibiting the 3D printed installations and paintings together in the near future.

She has exhibited in the United States, Germany and Australia, where her work has been included in the 65th & 66th Blake Prize and the Sydney VIVID Light Festival, along with achievements such as the UNSWA&D Sculpture & Installation Award. Recent exhibitions in Los Angeles include: Made in California group shows, outer building neon installations and sculptural neon installations in the Los Angeles Miracle Mile District. The Berlin residency concluded with a solo show and she is a long-list artist in the 2024 Aesthetica Art Prize in the UK.  

YOU ARE, Berlin black, large #2, 2024
70” x 47” x 1.8”
Acrylic on aluminum

Top image: YOU ARE, Berlin black, large #1, 2024
70” x 47” x 1.8”
Acrylic on aluminum
All images, text and artwork © Donna Gough 2025